International Human Resources Consulting for your business in Germany
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0211 164 567 98
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Our signature
1. We see ourselves as specialists in international executive search.
2. We are classical personnel consultants and recruiters.
We maintain strict anonymity, utmost discretion and strict confidentiality in our direct approach to potential candidates as well as in our cooperation with our clients. For candidates, this means that we will only present your application with your expressed consent. For our clients, this means that we will respect your confidentiality interests, which exist for both competitive and organizational reasons.
3. We make sure that the candidates selected by you pass the probationary period.
Our recruiters bear a high responsibility not only for the companies that hire us, but also for the candidates that entrust themselves to us through their application. Candidates are not just leaving a job in which they have been recognized and successful. An unfortunate job change can put a strain on their family, and their career misstep is documented on their resume. That’s why our fees include coaching services to make the new employee’s integration into the company smooth and sustainable during the probationary period.
Your Contact Persons
We will be happy to advise you in detail. Call us at 0211 164 567 98.